Monday, July 26, 2010

Diaper Dillema

Alright ladies who have babies, I have a question for you:

I've been contemplating the use of cloth diapers. I've heard both good and bad things about them, and my dilemma lies in cost. Looking at our finances, we need to cut corners about everywhere. Cloth diapers could save us a TON of money. My question is, how many people have used cloth diapers, which ones are best, and how long do they last? Help me, please!


  1. I, personally, would use cloth. I don't know if you remember how sensitive my skin is, but any baby who inherited it would have serious issues with disposable.
    My mom used cloth diapers, the flat, white kind. I think they lasted for a long time, and after kids grew out of them, we used them for rags for many more years. Pretty sure there's still a few of them hanging around the house.
    Cost wise, the flat, white ones (I think they're called prefolds) are best. It's not too hard to get the hang of folding them the right way. I can't remember how leak proof they are.
    For cute factor, though, there's cloth diapers shaped like disposable. Those are probably more leak proof, too, but pricey! The ones I've looked at are $10-$25 EACH. I've heard they're still cheaper in the long run, though.
    If you want to talk to someone who used them, you could probably call my mom. She'd remember a lot more than I do about cloth diapers.

  2. My mom used cloth diapers, and I had to change them. Didn't like it!. Way to messy, and smelly. And you have to clean them up after the fact. Newborn pooppy diapers are a pane to clean up. Over all disposable diapers are really not that costly. You have to do what you have to do.

    If you are going the cloth diaper rout. you could try this link:

    It looks really easy to make them yourself. But I really like the normal disposable diapers.

  3. I had to babysit kids when I was young and cloth diapers are absolutely gross! Whatever lands in them has to be removed before they see the washing machine...gross. Giant pins, plastic pants. They make little kids smell bad and that is sad. And for the cleanliness factor in a home, disposable diapers cant be beat. I do respect you for looking at all the options and trying to go the extra mile to save money! There are some cheaper brands of disposable diapers and Costco and Sams club have great deals on bulk. Good luck in making your decision!

  4. Hey Steph! I have a sister-in-law who used cloth diapers for a while, and she said you get used to it pretty quickly. However, she waited until her baby was around 5 months old to use the cloth diapers. By then, she was feeding the baby rice cereal and pureed vegetables, and so the baby's poop was a little more firm (sorry). As a newborn, whether you breastfeed or formula feed, every time you change their diaper (which is pretty often), they've pooped. And it's pretty loose and runny, and I think trying to use cloth diapers at that stage would be a gross nightmare. But I've never used them, so I don't know. But like my sister-in-law said, she got used to using them fairly quickly once the baby was a little older, and she likes them just fine. Good luck with your decision!

  5. I've never used cloth diapers simply because I don't know of any diaper service around here and I don't feel like dealing with the cleaning of it. (I'm kinda lazy...). I admire anyone who is brave and patient enough to deal with them. I think it's an awesome idea and will definitely save you money! $40+ (what we're doing for Baby, plus Pull-ups for DS#1) a month for diapers gets pretty spendy pretty quickly! Good luck!
