Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Yelled At The Computer Guy

So, it turns out that there aren't many Mac repair shops ANYWHERE! I found 2 in the Salt Lake Area, and neither were of any help to me.

As a consumer who hopes people read her blog, I want to tell how one company is ridiculously expensive and how the other caused me to yell at some poor salesman and made me cry.

Today, I went to SimplyMac, hoping to get my MacBook fixed. The backlight on my monitor is having issues, and I REALLY need it fixed. The tech I spoke with treated me like an idiot. (Which, when it comes to computers, I'm not as smart as he his, most likely. He didn't have to treat me like a preschooler for Pete's sake!) After going in circles, he told me that unless we have AppleCare (which we don't...) it would be $75 to just LOOK at the computer to see what's wrong! What kind of crap is that?? So I took the computer and had to go home and ask Daniel about AppleCare, since I wasn't sure if we had it.

I refused to pay $75 just for them to tell me my computer doesn't work. (Morons...) This lead me to find a different store, ExperCom. I called them, and the guy I spoke with told me what he thought was wrong, quoted me a price to fix it (without a stupid $75 charge to tell me it's broken) and told me I could bring it in today and they would take a look at it. Confident in the system again, I hurried myself and my MacBook to South Jordan (when I COULD have stayed home to comfort my fussy baby) where the guy WASN"T EVEN THERE! Some idiot sales rep told me they couldn't even LOOK at it until Monday since they wouldn't order the part until Monday. Um...seriously? I told him that I just wanted to know exactly what is wrong with the computer, since it could be potentially up to $800 to fix it. He told me there was no way ANYONE could look at it until Monday since they didn't have the parts.

I'll admit, I freaked out a little at this point. My baby had been crying all day, Daniel starts work on Monday and will take the car so I have absolutely no way of getting it to a repair shop, I'd gone to South Jordan for what was now no reason, and this punk had obviously no idea what he was doing and was unsuccessfully BSing his way through his workday. (The guy who was in line in front of me was having issues with the jerk as well.)

I told him I was frustrated that I had come there and wasted my time just to be told they can't help me. He then looked up the parts, quoted me the exact same thing as the guy on the phone, and thought he'd done a good job. Instead of causing a HUGE scence and ripping the guy a new one when the guy I spoke on the phone with deserved to be yelled at as well, I took my computer, got in the car, and called Daniel to complain to him about this horrible company. My computer is still not fixed, and it seems like, even in an economic recession, no one wants my money to fix it.

So, my rating for Expercom: well, there's no number low enough to emphasize my point, so lets say if a giant foot from the sky starts stomping on South Jordan, I hope it finds ExperCom and only ExperCom. Then I would laugh and have an unrighteous sense of gratification.

My rating for SimplyMac: -3. You. Suck.

Now, since I have no idea what else to do, if anyone out there reading this knows of some kind of Mac Repair place, PLEASE let me know.

Oh, and one last note, for those who saw my Facebook status offering free dinner to the first person who gets my baby to nap at least 60 minutes, I'm upping the reward to free dinner and two pans of fudge.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, if I lived anywhere near, I would have to take you up on the offer of free fudge... At least try, anyway. :)
    Good luck with everything. Computer people suck.
