Saturday, August 8, 2009


I was reading a book just now, and in it, one of the characters talked about the concept of immortality. The way he phrased it was like this, "Can you imagine never dying? Never fading? Existing, as you are, for all time?"

I always understood simply being immortal as a step down from having eternal life, but never understanding why, exactly. I guess I thought that being simply immortal had the disadvantage of not being with the Lord. In a sudden moment, while I was reading, I came to understand that being simply immortal means I'm in this state, undying, forever. Of course, in the Resurrection, the world will most likely be a much different place, but at that point I will not have progressed or have further opportunity to grow. I will live forever at that point, but, being without the Lord, my existence would mean almost infinitely less than if I had obtained eternal life.

Perhaps that's why it's phrased "eternal life." It is an eternity of purpose and meaning, therefore an eternity of life, rather than just an eternity of existence. For quite some time, I've struggled with the idea of existing vs. living. We can exist without living a day of our lives. We can exist, intentionally or not, without purpose and meaning in our lives, denying ourselves the joy we would otherwise feel. That purpose which brings us joy and sorrow is what causes us to live rather than to simply exist. I think I'm finally beginning to understand...


  1. Holy cow, that was DEEP! Thanks for the insight and glad you shared it with less epiphany-endowed persons such as myself!

  2. Very deep! I love you, Stephanie, and look forward to eternal life with you and all the other people I love!
