Friday, July 10, 2009

2 years!

It has officially been 2 years since Daniel and I "officially" started dating. That's 24 months, so I am going to list 24 reasons why I thik he's cool.

24. He's a good cook. Like, I come home "too tired" *wink wink* to make dinner, so he makes it.

23. He always takes the stairs two steps at a time.

22. He has curly hair like me, which helps our chances at having cute curly-haired children

21. He speaks Spanish and English, which is WAY more than I speak. I still struggle with just English.

20. He says weird things in his sleep.

19. He's amazing with kids, and a sucker for little girls. (Just ask Kyla and Mimi.)

18. He gets me to do things I wouldn't normally do, like ride in a chairlift.

17. I get him to do things he wouldn't normally do, like allow me to cling so tight to his arm he loses circulation while riding on said chair lift (notice my terrified expression while smiling)

16. He's my favorite shoe shopping buddy

15. He has a cool scar that makes little kids stare silently at his arm for prolonged periods of time.

14. He's good at proposing to me

13. He can sleep through the fireworks on the 4th of July

12. He's generally very easy to get along with, no matter who you are.

11. He took me to Monsters vs. Aliens 3 times! And didnt even really want to go once!

10. He looks good in a tux

9. And is very silly

8. He loves his family

7. He doesn't yell at me. Ever.

6. He has good insites when it comes to scriptures

5. And makes sure we have couple scriptures and prayer every night

4. He's good at just about everything

3. He noticed me a year before we started dating

2. He holds and honors the priesthood

1. He took me to the temple and now we get to be together forever!

I know, I know. I talk about my husband a lot. He is just really cool!


  1. Steph this is so sweet! You always make Daniel feel so loved and appreciated, and I love that about you! Congrats to you guys...I love those "unofficial, official" dates! Mine and Adam's is actually the 4th of July...that is when we started dating, and it is now one of my favorite holidays!!!
    Love you and miss you, Steph!

  2. So sweet! Great stuff, Stephanie. I'm so glad you and Daniel are married, and I loved reading this. Miss you!

  3. Awww, Steph, this was an awesome post! What a cute idea, too! You two are so great together and I can't wait to meet your cute curly haired children someday!

  4. What a sweet post, Stephanie! We are so grateful that you joined our family. You are an amazing young lady, and a blessing to us all. And, I happen to have the inside scoop that Daniel has a crush on you!
